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Heart for Growth

One to One

Executive Coaching

About Me

I am a professionally accredited Executive Coach through the European Coaching & Mentoring Council (EMCC) as a Senior Practitioner. I have a particular affinity to technical professionals. Most of my previous clients have been C-Suite, Senior Leaders and Managers.

My mission is to empower individuals, to achieve their full potential by fostering a personalised coaching experience that prioritises trust, self-awareness, and constructive challenge.

Whether you're an individual seeking personal, professional, or career growth, I look forward to the opportunity to work with you supporting you on your journey to success.

(I also make the tea!)

Profile photo of Rob making a cup of tea
Member logo for the EMCC

I am a member of EMCC and abide by the Global Code of Ethics

How I Can Help You

Executive Coaching is like having a dedicated thinking partner focused solely on navigating professional challenges towards future goals. Coaching facilitates navigating new challenges and chapters, suitable for anyone open to change, seeking exploration, and maintaining focus on impactful goals.

Executive Coaching

  • Exploration of business-linked growth objectives and career potential.
  • Action-oriented sessions focusing on leveraging values and integrity for strategic impact.
  • Enhancement of self-awareness, performance, and goal achievement.
  • Addressing professional dilemmas and unconscious factors for holistic development.

Leadership Coaching

  • Tailored leadership coaching targeting leadership potential and key aspects like change management, delegation, crisis leadership, and effective communication.
  • Guidance towards self-awareness, improved performance, and goal achievement.
  • Empowerment to enhance team effectiveness, strategic thinking, and authenticity in leadership.
  • Support to break through career glass ceilings, readiness for promotion, navigate career changes, or handle redundancy.

Integrated Life Coaching

  • Pathway to achieving balanced and integrated life through addressing work-life balance, burnout prevention, and holistic wellbeing.
  • Exploration of strategies to manage competing priorities, set boundaries, and cultivate resilience.
  • Support in aligning personal values with professional goals to foster harmony across life spheres.
  • Enhancement of self-awareness and prioritisation skills to optimise productivity while maintaining personal fulfillment.

What Previous Clients Say